
BM CERAMICHE started in 2017 after thirty years of experienc. Our first brand was Dalla Longa Ceramiche founded in 1992, by Sergio Dalla Longa a venetian artisan, who began his career with tiles in 1950.

In 1980 Sergio taught his son Massimiliano, all the secrets of his profession. For fifteen years father and son worked together and in 1995, Sergio decid to let his son Massimiliano open his first ceramic shop, near Sesto Calende.

After two years, he moved his shop to Mercallo to a 100 square metres space, but in 2003, after years of determination, perseverance, diligence and a lot of dedication, Massimiliano opened at the current location with showroom of about 650 square metres.

Later, he promoted a new business called chiavi in mano(Keys in Hand). Full refurbishment of any home.

The final result is BM Ceramiche was born.

OFFER 2019/2020